
For more information about this vast network of workforce development services for employers and employees, visit WorkForce West Virginia.

Governor’s Guaranteed Work Force Program

About the Program
This vital program provides new or expanding companies training funds and technical assistance to support effective employee training strategies. Not limited to new employees, this program targets the business’s entire workforce, training, re-training and upgrading skills across all levels. Since the program’s launch, more than $54 million has been awarded to employers and nearly 200,000 employees have received training.

Amount & Eligibility
Overall funding levels are based on average starting wages and benefits, location of your facility, number of employees, and number of employees being trained. Awards cannot exceed $2,000 per trainee.

Apprenticeship In Motion (AIM)

About the Program

The Apprenticeship In Motion (AIM) program promotes and expands registered nontraditional apprenticeship activity in the Mountain State. This collaborative group of partners identifies, standardizes and develops courses that are needed statewide in order to increase and improve the registered apprenticeship programs within West Virginia.

The AIM program provides a host of benefits to both businesses and individuals in West Virginia.

AIM Benefits to Businesses:

  • Training summits for integrating the apprenticeship model into human resource practices
  • Connection with senior business leaders from across the country
  • Ability to direct curriculum design and program operation
  • Quality workers motivated and eager to learn

AIM Benefits to Individuals:

  • On-the-job training from experienced professionals
  • Technical education in tandem with apprenticeship experience
  • Increased wages with each new skill mastery
  • Nationally recognized credential of qualifications
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